Above Average

Top Must See Movies

Episode Summary

With forest fires ablaze and hazardous toxic fumes filling your lungs. What better time to sit back, relax and enjoy your unemployment cheque then to watch these classic movies of our past. We've got the perfect non Netflix list of movies that you should have already watched. Grab some popcorn, some Sour Patch Kids and watch the credits roll.

Episode Notes

While Quebec in on fire and we’re inhaling their second hand smoke. We’ve got a real treat for all you unemployed folks. This week Lake (@LakeMarston) and Tanim (@noahxfence) delve into a selection of must watch films that have left an indelible mark on the art of storytelling and continue to captivate audiences worldwide. Coppola, Kurosawa, Welles all sound foreign to you? Well grab your Pride Month dildos and hold on tight as our picks are about to get messy.